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churches in Orange County

Paoli Mennonite Fellowship

VIDEO: Joy To The World| December 17 2023
Orange County Church

Our Old Testament Scripture this week is about the prophet Elijah at Mt. Carmel. About “whose God is bigger?” About the world’s most epic BBQ: I Kings 18:17-39. This is one of the most dramatic texts in the Bible...and troubling, in our times, our world.

Elijah was prophet during King Ahab’s rule in Israel, a hundred years after the Kingdom was divided. Ahab was the most powerful and vindictive ruler in Hebrew history, and led the Israelites into worshipping Baal and Asherah, the gods of their neighbors. Elijah sets up a showdown to prove that the “God of Abraham and Sarah, of Isaac and Rebekah, of Jacob and Rachel and Leah” is the One True God.

Today, what are the powers that be which are claiming to be victorious? Where is the God we see in Scripture showing up as more compelling than those other gods in our society?

Because we feel so lost and afraid and bullied, we want a big daddy God who can take out those other daddies...it’s a little heart-breaking. What does it mean to be a person of faith in a world of many faiths—without colonizing yours—but at the same time we don’t want to just let any system of oppression run rampant and oppress others?

How do we proclaim and love and follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, without needing to marginalize our neighbors? Join us Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in worship. (See our FB page. Website www.paolimennonite.org)

Paoli First Presbyterian Church

VIDEO: The peace of God | December 10 2023
Orange County Church

Gary Spear will have the message “Perspective is Reality: What is your Default?” Sun., Nov. 19 at Paoli First Presbyterian Church. The First Lesson will come from Psalm 90: 1-6. The Second Lesson will be found in Matthew 25: 14-30.

During the service Jim Hudelson will serve as Liturgist and Gary Speer will have the Opening Prayer. Carol Hudelson will have Patchwork, the Children’s Sermon.

Those who choose to worship via Zoom May join the service at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87963650741? pwd=ZlRQN3hkZFFIZV p6MlFVL0prb2VSdz09 after 10:30 am on Sundays.

Paoli First Presbyterian Church begins Sunday service with breakfast at 10:15. This Sunday George Weeks will provide breakfast. Worship will follow at 10:45.

Paoli First Presbyterian Church will have its last Fish Fry of the season Fri., Nov. 17 and Sat., Nov. 18 on the Orange County a courthouse Square. Hot Fish!

The Paoli Presbies hosted Hoosier Hometown Live Fri., Nov. 10, raising $1,400 for the Orleans Food Bank.

Sun., Nov. 12 Paoli First Presbyterian Church welcomed Indian Creek Bible Camp director Jordan Morris as guest speaker with his message “Come to the Table.”

As a preview, Joe Kimmel will have the message Sun., Nov. 26 at Paoli First Presbyterian Church.

The church will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the building dedication that morning with brunch. All are welcome.

Lick Creek Friends Church

VIDEO: Repent | December 3 2023
Orange County Church

The prelude music brought life to the old church. They played “O, How I Love Jesus.” Sam Leinart led the hymns Bringing In The Sheaves” and ”I Won’t Have To Cross Jordan Alone.” Seven-year-old Nolan King collected the offering, as Mike and Becky Magill played “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus/Into My Heart.” The children joyfully sang “ He’s Got The Whole World In His Hand.” Linda Crecelius’ solo was “I’ll Fly Away.” The series of “Biblical Men’s Depression” was continued. The closing song was “There’s A Great Day Coming.” Following the service, monthly birthdays were celebrated with cake and coffee. You are invited to sit on old pews and enjoy an old-fashioned style church service every Sunday morning at eleven.

This week’s biblical trivia question: What does the scripture tell us that we should give thanks for? Last week’s question: Proverbs states the glory of young men is strength and the beauty of old men is the? The answer is their gray head. Please read about it in Proverbs 20:29.

Love Never Fails Church

VIDEO: Jesus' Table | November 19 2023
Orange County Church

Pastor Jason Lindsey challenged us to walking out James 1:19 this week. The instructions are clear. “My beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger”, Most of us are not naturally quick to listen, but we can train ourselves to be better listeners. Good listening is active. It engages with the speaker.

It shows that we can understand the speaker’s perspective, even if we dont agree.

When people feel heard, they are more willing to listen to our side.

Being quick to listen actually opens the door to greater communication because listening shows respect, and when people feel respected, they are more likely to return that respect and listen to us. It is important for us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. God’s Word always shows us the best way, and when we follow it, we are blessed. Our mouths get us into a lot of trouble. We profess to believe one thing, but then we are often betrayed by what comes out of our mouths. Jesus said, “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Matthew 12:34). In other news we are excited to team up with Rishi’s and the French Lick Winery Tuesday night for Trunk or Treat! This is something we go all out on every year and this year will be no exception. Last but not least we want to give a great big congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Derek and Ashley Hammond who were united in marriage Saturday afternoon by Pastor Jason. May the two of you have an amazing life together!

Have a blessed week Orange County!

Paoli Christian Church

VIDEO: Carried by love | November 12 2023
Orange County Church

As an option, you may listen to Q100.1 or view the Paoli Christian Church Facebook live and You Tube. If you need a ride to Sunday morning service, contact the church office. Services are 9:30 a.m., Ladies’ Prayer Circle at 9 a.m. (Junior Church is for K-5th grade during Worship time.) and 10:45 Bible School for all ages, including Adults’ Bible School with Stanley Hall “Beautitudes” and Richard Fried “Jude.” Wednesday Night Bible Study is for all ages at 7 p.m., with our next meal Dec. 6. Sign up as a Wednesday night dinner sponsor for the youth. Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be Dec. 2. Senior Saints will eat at the Paoli Country Club on Nov. 14. The annual Thanksgiving Dinner is Sunday, 6 p.m., Nov. 19. The Children’s Christmas Program will be Dec. 17 during morning worship, with practice held during Sunday school in November and December, plus Dec 13, 6-8 PM and Dec. 16, 10-12 p.m., dress rehearsal. Dec. 31, 5 p.m., 6-12 graders are invited to Wonder Valley for a three-church youth group NYE Overnighter, with a cost of $45 until December 1 (afterward the price goes up to $55).

Syria Christian Church

VIDEO: Inside Outside | October 1 2023
Orange County Church

There will be a dinner this Friday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m. for all those who volunteer with our youth (nursery, wee worship, Sunday School, Kid’s church, or teens). Volunteers and their spouses are invited; there will not be childcare. Please RSVP to Chase or the church office if you plan to attend. This Sunday, Nov. 19, Syria will celebrate their annual Fall Festival. There will be no Sunday School classes with one church service that morning at 10 a.m. followed by a meal at approximately 11:30. A special offering will be taken that day to pay for church improvements. Please set aside time on Nov. 27 and 28 to help decorate the church for Christmas. Important dates coming up in December include Dec. 8 for Pancakes and PJs. Practice for the children’s Christmas program will be Nov. 19 and 26 during the Sunday School hour and Dec. 3 and 10 from 3 to 4 p.m. Dress rehearsal will be Dec. 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. 812, the jr.-sr. high youth group, meets on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8. Sunday morning worship services are at 9 and 11 with a nursery, Kids’ Church and Wee Worship available during both services. Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10:10 with a nursery available. Worship services are also available on Facebook live or on-line at http://www.syriacc.com/worship-center/ (click on the link for Sunday worship). The church office may be reached at 812-723-2316. The church e-mail address is [email protected].


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Author: Mark Downs

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Author information

Name: Mark Downs

Birthday: 2018-12-05

Address: 249 Wesley Bridge, Port Michelle, NV 91474

Phone: +4248801137109288

Job: Translator

Hobby: Calligraphy, Origami, Meditation, Golf, Scuba Diving, Rowing, Web Development

Introduction: My name is Mark Downs, I am a exquisite, variegated, Determined, venturesome, rich, spirited, unwavering person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.